1- Hector Berlioz Les nuits d'été, "Le Spectre de la rose" (poem by Théophile Gautier)
2- Henri Duparc Chanson triste (poem by Jean Lahor)
3- Henri Duparc L'Invitation au voyage (poem by Charles Baudelaire)
4- Charles Koechlin Poèmes d'Edmond Haraucourt, "Pleine eau
5- Charles Koechlin Poèmes d'Edmond Haraucourt, "Aux temps des Fées
6- Charles Koechlin Poèmes d'Edmond Haraucourt, "Épiphanie
7- Claude Debussy Suite bergamasque, "Clair de lune
8- Maurice Ravel Poems by Stéphane Mallarmé, "Soupir
9- Maurice Ravel Poems by Stéphane Mallarmé, "Placet futile
10- Maurice Ravel Poèmes de Stéphane Mallarmé, "Surgi de la croupe et du bond
11- Claude Debussy Epigraphes antiques, "Pour remercier la pluie au matin" (To thank the rain in the morning)
12- Benjamin Britten Quatre chansons françaises, "Nuits de juin" (poem by Victor Hugo)
13- Benjamin Britten Four chansons françaises, "L'Enfance" (poem by Victor Hugo)
14- Benjamin Britten Four chansons françaises , "Sagesse" (poem by Paul Verlaine)
15- Benjamin Britten Four French songs, "Chanson d'automne" (poem by Paul Verlaine)
Published on January 12, 2024 by Alpha Classics
" Clair Obscur (Alpha 727), dedicated to German Lieder with orchestra, explored the antagonism between light and shadow. Reflet conjures up the nuances and transparencies of French melodies. Reflet is the idea of an echo, the shadow of a disquieting double, of a plural, diffracted scintillation... A clash of deceptive mirages, a kaleidoscope of senses and flashes of light, it interweaves in strange correspondences the score of our lives, adorned with gold and illusions", writes Sandrine Piau. Berlioz, Gauthier, Britten, Hugo, Verlaine, Baudelaire, Duparc, Koechlin, Ravel, Mallarmé... the encounters between these composers and poets "create in me a firework of colors and shimmerings", concludes the French soprano who signs here her 14th recording for Alpha Classics.