1- Das Trinklied vom Jammer der Erde (The Drinking Song of Earth's Sorrow)
2- Der Einsame im Herbst (The Lonely One in Autumn)
3- Von der Jugend (On youth)
4- Von der Schönheit(On beauty)
5- Der Trunkene im Frühling (The Spring Drunkard)
6- Der Abschied (Farewell)
Published in March 2017 by Klarthe
Song of the Earth
The "Song of the Earth", an ode to life, nature, youth and beauty, is also the most poignant of hymns to humanity. This universal love song by Gustav Mahler at the peak of his art is entrusted here to young performers who are deeply attached to this work of infinite richness of expression.
Eve-Maud Hubeaux mezzo soprano
Jussi Myllys tenor
Victor Hugo Franche-Comté Orchestra
Jean-François Verdier conductor